The Student Social Survey 2023 is being conducted and analysed by the research group HER at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna.
The IHS is Austria's leading institution engaged in interdisciplinary research in economics and the social sciences. Our research culture is characterized by the close interconnection of rigorously academic and evidence-based project-oriented approaches designed to develop concrete solutions to a range of specific social challenges.
HER (Higher Education Research), as the largest higher education research group in Austria, focus on:
- the social and economic situation of students and graduates in Austria and Europe
- labour market integration of graduates in Austria ("tracking")
- gender policy in science and education at national and international level
- national higher education governance and funding policy
We collaborate with Austrian and European ministries, fellow researchers and other stakeholders to provide expertise and contribute to developing evidence-based higher education strategies in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Aside from projects on national level, inter alia commissioned by Federal Ministries or Higher Education Institutions, HER engages in pan-European projects (EUROSTUDENT, EUROGRADUATE).
Further information on research activities of HER can be found here.
The Social Survey 2023 project team is made up of Vlasta Zucha (project lead), Judith Engleder, Nora Haag, Bianca Thaler, Martin Unger, Sarah Zaussinger, Anna Dibiasi, Johanna Dau, David Binder, Kerstin Rieder, Kathrin Fenz, Ilinca Fage, Theresa Weinöhrl.